Fitness Council

Elevating Exercise Professionals Worldwide


The National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF) stands at the forefront of education, credentialing, and advocacy for exercise professionals. With over 25 years of experience, we inspire excellence and empower individuals to achieve their best. Let's delve into what makes NCSF a trusted name in the fitness industry. 

Image representing "Certified Strength Coach"

What Is NCSF? 

The NCSF is a professional, member-driven organization dedicated to personal trainers and exercise science professionals. Our mission extends beyond certification; we serve the public through research, service, and advancement of the movement sciences. Here's why NCSF matters: 

  1. Global RecognitionOperating in 160+ countries, NCSF has educated over 325,000 professionals worldwide. Our reach knows no bounds. 

  1. Quality Education: NCSF offers NCCA-accredited certification exams, ensuring that exercise professionals possess the necessary skills and industry recognition to thrive. 

  1. Credential Variety: Choose from a range of credentials: 

  • Certified Personal Trainer: Elevate your career with our accredited personal trainer certification. 

  • Sport Nutrition Specialist: Dive into advanced nutritional science to optimize athletic performance. 

  • Certified Strength Coach: Master training concepts for athletic development and sport performance. 

  • Master Trainer: Exceed college and university programs, making you highly employable across health, fitness, and sport sectors. 

Why Choose NCSF?

  • Scientific Validity: Our programs are backed by rigorous research spanning two decades. Trusted by professionals globally, NCSF ensures evidence-based effectiveness. 

  • Career Growth: Professionals with NCSF certification report increased earnings and high satisfaction rates. They'd recommend NCSF to family and friends1. 

Start Your Journey with NCSF 

Ready to be a part of the fitness revolution? Explore NCSF's certifications, take your career to new heights, and make a lasting impact on health and well-being. Visit our website to learn more.